What exactly are Climate Dividends?

Difference with financial dividends?

What exactly are Climate Dividends?

What's the difference between carbon credits and Climate Dividends?

What exactly are Climate Dividends?

Do emission reductions (reduction of scope 1, 2 and/or 3) enable a company to issue Climate Dividends?

What exactly are Climate Dividends?

Won’t Climate Dividends count as double accounting?

What exactly are Climate Dividends?

Are avoided and removed emissions accounted for separately in Climate Dividends claim ?

Who can use them?

How can Climate Dividends be used by companies issuing them ?

Who can use them?

How can investors use and value Climate Dividends?

Who can use them?

Is there a risk that Climate Dividends will be used for greenwashing?

Who can use them?

Can Climate Dividends be considered a form of greenlighting?

What methods/type of projects do you recognise?

What sector-specific methodologies are accepted?

What methods/type of projects do you recognise?

Can a Solution Provider / Contributing Entity propose an impact measurement methodology?

What methods/type of projects do you recognise?

Are there methodologies that the Climate Dividends Association developed by itself?

What methods/type of projects do you recognise?

When will the Climate Dividends initiative include Nature Based Solutions?

What methods/type of projects do you recognise?

Can I use sampling if I have incomplete data?

Who checks all of this?

Can an auditor in charge of extra-financial assessment intervene on the subject of Climate Dividends for me?

Who checks all of this?

Which third-party can be in charge of the validation and verification phase?

How can I get involved?

What is the process for generating climate dividends?

How can I get involved?

How can I check the eligibility of my company to issue Climate Dividends ?

How can I get involved?

How are the avoided or removed emissions assessed to generate Climate Dividends?

How can I get involved?

What are the costs associated with this initiative?

How can I get involved?

How can a Contributing Entity actually distribute its climate dividends?

How can I get involved?

How can I support the initiative ?
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